Elaine Patel, proud owner of a modular home set in just one day is pictured with Abe Ferreira, Principal at USModular, Inc.

Mrs. Patel was so exciting and amazed by what she witnessed the day her home was setup that she wrote us a letter describing her feelings.

Abe Ferreira

Todd Kesseler

USModular Inc.

Dear Abe and Todd,

I’m writing you this morning, scratching my head and thinking, “what the heck did I just experience”.  I find myself, three days later, replaying October 9, 2012 in my mind and thinking “how was USModular able to make this happen”.

When arriving at the lot Tuesday morning and seeing an enormous crane in my front yard with only a couple of feet of room on either end, I thought “there is no way this can work”!  With a guy-wire running diagonal from the front of my yard to a vertical pole, trees branches dangling in every direction and power lines bordering our property, the only other obstacle left would be snow in L.A.

To my complete amazement, the crane swung the first module into place as easy as my son playing with his Lego set.  The day ran smoothly, and instead of our house being a construction site, it soon became a neighborhood block party.  Neighbors, friends, business people and onlookers came in waves and I distinctly noticed that people quickly became entranced and could not take their eyes off of what they were seeing.  Instead of staying for a couple of minutes, onlookers were pulling out their cell phones and calling their friends and family saying “you have to see this”.  People that were not familiar with modular building got an insightful sneak peak and have now become believers.

I must have made 10 calls to Kevin on Tuesday, while he was performing an emergency surgery, to gage when he would be done so he would not miss this experience.  His nurse, who relayed one of my messages, said “your wife said your house is being unloaded”.  She quickly caught herself and said “wait, what?!”

In all, what I thought was going to be an anxious day turned out to be one of the most exciting days of my life and I owe it all to USModular.  Your hard work, expertise and attention to detail is very much appreciated. 

I’m looking forward to the day I get the keys to my new home and will continue to tell people of what unfolded just days ago.


Elaine Patel

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